Understanding the Composition API in Vue 3


Vue 3 introduced a game-changing feature called the Composition API, which revolutionized how developers build and organize Vue applications. Let's break down what it is and how it improves upon Vue 2's Options API.

The Challenges with Vue 2's Options API

  1. Scattered Logic: In Vue 2, code for a single feature was often spread out. For example, the logic for a feature like a shopping cart would be split into several parts (like methods, data, etc.), making it hard to keep track of everything.
  2. Difficulties in Sharing Logic: Sharing code between components in Vue 2 was tricky. Developers often used 'mixins', but they came with problems like conflicts in naming and issues with type safety (important for predictable coding).

Vue 3's Composition API: The Solution

  1. Centralized Logic: The Composition API lets you organize code by feature. So, all the code for a feature, like a user profile, can be kept together. This makes it easier to understand and manage.
  2. Easier to Reuse Code: It's now simpler to share logic between components. You can create custom functions for common tasks and use them in different parts of your app.
  3. Better with TypeScript: TypeScript is a tool that helps catch errors before your code runs. The Composition API works more naturally with TypeScript, making coding more error-proof and enjoyable.

How Does the Composition API Work?

  1. Reactive State Management: Vue 3 introduces ref and reactive functions. These let you handle changing data more flexibly than the older data option.

It is important to note that the returned value from reactive() is a Proxy of the original object, which is not equal to the original object:

import { ref, reactive } from "vue";

export default {
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0);
    const state = reactive({ name: "Vue" });

    return { count, state };
  1. Lifecycle Hooks as Functions: Functions like onMounted or onUpdated let you control what happens at different stages of a component's life, right inside the setup function.
import { onMounted } from "vue";

export default {
  setup() {
    onMounted(() => {
      console.log("Component is mounted!");
  1. The setup Function: This is where the magic happens in the Composition API. You define your reactive data and lifecycle hooks in this function, leading to cleaner and more organized code.
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";

export default {
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0);

    onMounted(() => {
      console.log("Count is", count.value);

    return { count };

Why It's Better Than Vue 2's Options API

  1. Code Organization: By grouping code related to specific features, the Composition API makes complex components easier to understand and maintain.
  2. Flexibility and Consistency: It offers a more consistent and flexible structure for your components, which is particularly helpful as your project grows.
  3. Improved Code Reusability: You can now reuse logic across components without the drawbacks of mixins, leading to a neater and more modular codebase.

In summary, Vue 3's Composition API makes building and maintaining Vue applications more efficient, organized, and enjoyable, particularly for large-scale projects.